Coming Attractions are devoted to soon-to-be released films or those available on Video on Demand.
UNLOVABLE is in theaters * November 1, 2018
on VOD and Digital HD * November 2, 2018.
on VOD and Digital HD * November 2, 2018.
By Paulette Reynolds
November 2, 2018
Director: Suzi Yoonessi
Screenplay: Charlene deGuzman, Sarah Adina Smith, Mark Duplass
Starring Charlene deGuzman/Joy, John Hawkes/Jim, Melissa Leo/Maddie, Paul James/Ben, Gigette Reyes/ Joy's Mom, Abe Pagtama/Joy's Dad
By Paulette Reynolds
November 2, 2018
Director: Suzi Yoonessi
Screenplay: Charlene deGuzman, Sarah Adina Smith, Mark Duplass
Starring Charlene deGuzman/Joy, John Hawkes/Jim, Melissa Leo/Maddie, Paul James/Ben, Gigette Reyes/ Joy's Mom, Abe Pagtama/Joy's Dad
It is a universal truth that watching someone lead a dissolute life is a fascinating endeavor. After all, how many of us can pass up the scene of an accident?
Unlovable is a contradiction, for the central character feels nothing but carries the name of Joy. She lives the frantic life of an addict - in this case one who is obsessed with the twin emotions of sex and love. Joy inhabits a relationship with Ben, an aspiring actor, but is emotionally disconnected from the experience. Her job as a bubbly cartoon character fills her with angst and her parents act like familiar strangers. All that's missing is a rapid montage of the inevitable spiral into her personal abyss.
And just like that, Joy is without a job, a significant other and drowning in one night stands. Her road to recovery doesn't follow a straight line, despite support from recovery coach Maddie and Maddie’s quirky brother Jim.
Charlene deGuzman's Joy brings fresh energy to a theme that could easily feel stale and that's part of the charm of Unlovable. Academy Award winner Melissa Leo is possibly the warmest recovery sponsor on record, who shares just enough of herself - and her story - to help Joy on her journey. Fans of the gritty HBO Deadwood series will be happy to see John Hawkes as Joy's painfully introverted neighbor, Jim, who delivers some hard-fought wisdom on Joy's doorstep. And Paul James surprises us as the perfect boyfriend who really isn’t.
Spoiler Alert - there will be many stuffed animals, and I mean A LOT.
Spoiler Alert - there will be many stuffed animals, and I mean A LOT.
COPYRIGHT 2012/2018. Paulette Reynolds. All CineMata Movie Madness blog articles, reviews, faux interviews, commentary, and the Cine Mata character are under the sole ownership of Paulette Reynolds. All intellectual and creative rights reserved.